Thursday, September 20, 2012

Upgrading grid +ASM with oracle restart from to

Upgrading grid +ASM with oracle restart from to

It is an "out of place upgrade"and we need to install the new grid home for the upgrade and we need to apply the PSU patch on the grid home and the oracle home [Things to Consider Before Upgrading to Grid Infrastructure/ASM [ID 1363369.1]
Refer the post how to apply the PSU patches before upgrading the grid

we need to unset all the environmental variables before we start the upgrade

[grid@fahdb grid]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
[grid@fahdb grid]$ echo $ORACLE_SID
[grid@fahdb grid]$ unset ORACLE_HOME
[grid@fahdb grid]$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
[grid@fahdb grid]$ unset ORACLE_BASE
[grid@fahdb grid]$ unset ORACLE_SID
[grid@fahdb grid]$ echo $ORACLE_BASE
[grid@fahdb grid]$ echo $ORACLE_SID

Create the directory where the new grid home is going to be installed and it is to be owned by the root with the oinstall as the group

[root@fahdb 11.2.0]# mkdir  /u01/app/oracle/grid/ -p 
[root@fahdb 11.2.0]# chown root:oinstall  /u01/app/oracle/grid/

unzip the grid software downloaded from the

[root@fahdb 11.2.0]   unzip
[root@fahdb 11.2.0]# ls
grid  grid_3

The grid_3 will the empty directory where the grid software is going to be installed the ad the grid is the directory create when we unzip the grid software downloaded from the

/u01/app/oracle/grid/ -- empty directory  for the new grid home
/u01/app/oracle/grid/     -- the directory which contains the unzipped grid software

Step 1

Run the Grid installer from the grid user where you have unzipped the the software

Skip the software update' science  we are upgrading to the latest software

Step 2

In the installation set select the option upgraded the oracle grid infrastructure and ASM


It will Run a while to gather  the system details


Select the Product Language according to your requirement


Select the O/s groups for the ASM instances

Step 5

The installation location of the grid  the grid home which we created for this grid and the software location we need to specify
here we have unzipped the software in the /u01/app/oracle/grid/
and the location of the new grid home is    /u01/app/oracle/grid/

Step 6

After the prerequisites Checks check the summary file which contains the grid home /u01/app/oracle/grid/
and the software location /u01/app/oracle/grid/ and the ASM also will be upgraded Automatically with the upgraded process

Step 7
Save the summary file


you can check the details of the grid installation process by the details


Run script from the root to upgrade the css



Grid infrastructure had been installed successfully on the machine

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