Wednesday, September 19, 2012

session management in fusion applications with OAM

Restricting No of sessions per user in fusion applications

To restrict the number of session in the fusion applications we need to restrict the session management in the OAM All the user session with the fusion applications are managed by the OAM ... The OAM and OID and the components of the Identity management suite which take Care of the fusion applications the OID which contains takes care of the LDAP ....OAM which takes care of the session management there ate two database installed Separately  to store all this data's of the OAM and the OIM 

Login into the OAM with the oamadmin user and select the common settings under the Configuration tab

Select the common Settings and change the sessions settings according to the Policy


Session Lifetime := It is mentioned in minutes the default value of the session lifetime is 480  this indicates the life time of the session 
and you can specify up to   2147483647   

Idle Timeout     := The default  time out is 15 minutes .. the time out occurs when the session is not accessed for more that 15 minutes and you can increase it up to 2147483647 

Maximum Number of Sessions per User := The max number of session allowed to one particular user  the default is 8 and  from 0 you can specify until 2147483647 

Database Persistence for Active Sessions Enabled:= If it is enabled even if all the manged server dies then the users session will be routed to the database session store ... the default will be disable and before making it enable keep an eye on the resources

Step 3
Restricting the session in the fusion applications with the help of OAM
Change the max number of sessions allowed to user to 1 then only the particular user will able to connect with that session

Step 4

when the user tries to connect with the multiple session then he will  get the error message and he will not able to login

If the user open the multiple tabs in the single browser and connect then he will able to connect as the OAM count the connection with the browser's... if the max sessions Limit is set to be one then he will not able tot connect with the different type of browser But from the same system  with the single browser he can open multiple tab's and get connected 

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